# `rust-toolchain` Action [![Sponsoring](https://img.shields.io/badge/Support%20it-Say%20%22Thank%20you!%22-blue)](https://actions-rs.github.io/#sponsoring) ![MIT licensed](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg) [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/actions-rs/community.svg)](https://gitter.im/actions-rs/community) ![Continuous integration](https://github.com/actions-rs/toolchain/workflows/Continuous%20integration/badge.svg) ![Dependabot enabled](https://api.dependabot.com/badges/status?host=github&repo=actions-rs/toolchain) This GitHub Action installs [Rust toolchain](https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/concepts/toolchains.html#toolchain-specification) with [rustup](https://github.com/rust-lang/rustup) help. It supports additional targets, components and profiles and handles all these small papercuts for you. **Table of Contents** * [Example workflow](#example-workflow) * [Inputs](#inputs) * [Outputs](#outputs) * [Profiles](#profiles) * [Components](#components) * [The toolchain file](#the-toolchain-file) * [License](#license) * [Contribute and support](#contribute-and-support) ## Example workflow ```yaml on: [push] name: build jobs: check: name: Rust project runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install latest nightly uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: nightly override: true components: rustfmt, clippy # `cargo check` command here will use installed `nightly` # as it is set as an "override" for current directory - name: Run cargo check uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: check ``` See [additional recipes here](https://github.com/actions-rs/meta). ## Inputs | Name | Required | Description | Type | Default | | ------------ | :------: | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------ | --------| | `toolchain` | | [Toolchain](https://github.com/rust-lang/rustup.rs#toolchain-specification) name to use, ex. `stable`, `nightly`, `nightly-2019-04-20`, or `1.32.0` | string | | | `target` | | Additionally install specified target for this toolchain, ex. `x86_64-apple-darwin` | string | | | `default` | | Set installed toolchain as a default toolchain | bool | false | | `override` | | Set installed toolchain as an override for the current directory | bool | false | | `profile` | | Execute `rustup set profile {value}` before installing the toolchain, ex. `minimal` | string | | | `components` | | Comma-separated list of the additional components to install, ex. `clippy, rustfmt` | string | | Note: since `v1.0.4` version, `toolchain` input is not marked as required in order to support toolchain files. See the details [below](#the-toolchain-file). ## Outputs Installed `rustc`, `cargo` and `rustup` versions can be fetched from the Action outputs: | Name | Description | Example | | ------------ | --------------------- | ------------------------------- | | `rustc` | Rustc version | `1.40.0 (73528e339 2019-12-16)` | | `rustc_hash` | Rustc version hash | `73528e339` | | `cargo` | Cargo version | `1.40.0 (bc8e4c8be 2019-11-22)` | | `rustup` | rustup version | `1.21.1 (7832b2ebe 2019-12-20)` | Note: `rustc-hash` output value can be used with [actions/cache](https://github.com/actions/cache) Action to store cache for different Rust versions, as it is unique across different Rust versions and builds (including `nightly`). ## Profiles This Action supports rustup [profiles](https://blog.rust-lang.org/2019/10/15/Rustup-1.20.0.html#profiles), which are can be used to speed up the workflow execution by installing the minimally required set of components, for example: ```yaml - name: Install minimal nightly uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: profile: minimal toolchain: nightly ``` This Action will automatically run `rustup self update` if `profile` input is set and the installed `rustup` version does not supports them. In order to provide backwards compatibility for `v1` version, there is no value for `profile` input set by default, which means that the `default` profile is used by `rustup` (and that includes `rust-docs`, `clippy` and `rustfmt`).\ You may want to consider using `profile: minimal` to speed up toolchain installation. ## Components This Action supports rustup [components](https://blog.rust-lang.org/2019/10/15/Rustup-1.20.0.html#installing-the-latest-compatible-nightly) too, and in combination with the [profiles](#profiles) input it allows to install only the needed components: ```yaml - name: Install minimal stable with clippy and rustfmt uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: profile: minimal toolchain: stable components: rustfmt, clippy ``` As an extra perk, `rustup >= 1.20.0` is able to find the most recent `nightly` toolchain with the requested components available; next example is utilizing this feature to install the minimal set of `nightly` toolchain components with the `rustfmt` and `clippy` extras: ```yaml - name: Install minimal nightly with clippy and rustfmt uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: profile: minimal toolchain: nightly components: rustfmt, clippy ``` In case if `nightly` toolchain is requested and one of the components is missing in latest `nightly` release, this Action will attempt the downgrade till it find the most recent `nightly` with all components needed.\ Note that this behavior will work only if the following two conditions apply: 1. `toolchain` input is `nightly` exactly. 2. At least one component is provided in `components` input. Same to the `profile` input, if installed `rustup` does not supports "components", it will be automatically upgraded by this Action. ## The toolchain file This Action supports [toolchain files](https://github.com/rust-lang/rustup#the-toolchain-file), so it is not necessary to use `toolchain` input anymore. Input has higher priority, so if you are want to use toolchain file, you need to remove the input from the workflow file. If neither `toolchain` input or `rust-toolchain` file are provided, Action execution will fail. ## License This Action is distributed under the terms of the MIT license, see [LICENSE](https://github.com/actions-rs/toolchain/blob/master/LICENSE) for details. ## Contribute and support Any contributions are welcomed! If you want to report a bug or have a feature request, check the [Contributing guide](https://github.com/actions-rs/.github/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). You can also support author by funding the ongoing project work, see [Sponsoring](https://actions-rs.github.io/#sponsoring).