import { getToolchainArgs } from "../src/args"; import { morph } from "mock-env"; import { sync as tempWriteSync } from "temp-write"; describe("actions-rs/toolchain", () => { it("Parses action input into toolchain options", () => { const args = morph( () => { return getToolchainArgs("./rust-toolchain"); }, { INPUT_TOOLCHAIN: "nightly-2019-04-20", INPUT_DEFAULT: "false", INPUT_OVERRIDE: "true", } ); expect("nightly-2019-04-20"); expect(args.default).toBe(false); expect(args.override).toBe(true); }); it("uses input variable if rust-toolchain file does not exist", function () { const args = morph( () => { return getToolchainArgs("./rust-toolchain"); }, { INPUT_TOOLCHAIN: "nightly", } ); expect("nightly"); }); it("toolchain input is required if rust-toolchain does not exist", function () { expect(() => getToolchainArgs("./rust-toolchain")).toThrowError(); }); it("prioritizes rust-toolchain file over input variable", function () { const rustToolchainFile = tempWriteSync("1.39.0"); const args = morph( () => { return getToolchainArgs(rustToolchainFile); }, { INPUT_TOOLCHAIN: "nightly", } ); expect("nightly"); }); it("uses rust-toolchain file if input does not exist", function () { const rustToolchainFile = tempWriteSync("1.39.0"); const args = morph(() => { return getToolchainArgs(rustToolchainFile); }, {}); expect("1.39.0"); }); it("trims content of the override file", function () { const rustToolchainFile = tempWriteSync("\n 1.39.0\n\n\n\n"); const args = morph(() => { return getToolchainArgs(rustToolchainFile); }, {}); expect("1.39.0"); }); it("supports toml override file", function () { const rustToolchainFile = tempWriteSync(` [toolchain] channel = "stable" `); const args = morph(() => { return getToolchainArgs(rustToolchainFile); }, {}); expect("stable"); }); });